Season 5 Episode One Walking Dead
But, newly refired up, he nonetheless spent most of the AMC dramas midseason premiere going from community to community to pitch the idea of a rebellion. Did it work At this point, the most accurate answer would seem to be yes, no and. Not to worry, said Jesus. Hed swiped a long distance walkie talkie, so they could listen in and find out exactly when the jig was up. In the meantime, hed take his pals to meet King Ezekiel. This weeks episode of The Walking Dead took us back to The Hilltop and put Maggies resiliency on full display. So how did it compare to the comics Episode 4 Recap. You Just Watched Season 7, Episode 5 Sneak Peek of The Walking Dead Season 7, Episode 5. Maybe if they just captured Negan Undecided but lets be real, decided Ezekiel promised to deliver my decree in the morn. Later that afternoon, Benjamin stealthy as a falling tree ran into Carol in the woods and offered her some of the spare food and water that he always carried in case he met anyone. There arent many people left, so they should help each other. That evening, Benjamin told Ezekiel that that was the same reason the Kingdom should join forces with Alexandria. Unfortunately for Rick, the king remembering the high price that was paid for the Kingdom refused to take the risk. He did at least offer Daryl sanctuary, since the Saviors never set foot within the communitys walls. On the groups way out, Sasha told Rosita that shed predicted Ezekiel would say no. Watch Dope Online Etonline. That doesnt make us friends. Snap. Before reluctantly parting with Daryl, Rick reminded him that hiding out was the smart play. And besides, if he remained in the Kingdom, he could talk to Ezekiel or stare him into submission, whatever it takes. RELATED2. Renewal Scorecard Whats Coming Back Whats Getting Cancelled Whats on the BubbleAs big a gamble as it was to steal TNT from the Saviors, our heroes had to they were gonna need it. So, after Rosita completed Step 1 of the procedure with what Id swear was a vague variation of the Mission Impossible theme playing in the background, the others carefully removed sticks of dynamite. Meanwhile, the walkie talkie tipped them off to the fact that Daryls absence had been noticed and a search party sent out. In other words, they needed to haul ass back to Alexandria Daryls logical destination and, therefore, the Saviors. First, though, they had to deal with the approaching herd of walkers. Ricks solution He and Michonne raced two cars connected by the steel cable down the highway, bisecting just an absolute ston of walkers along the wayWhen the couple miraculously made their way back into their getaway vehicle, Michonne told Rick that he could relax and smile. To her, the successful maneuver was a sign that they were gonna make it in the end. PHOTOSWalking Dead. Still, the villains turned Alexandria inside out looking for the fugitive, along the way discovering that the cupboards were bare. Once the Saviors split, Rick naturally wanted to know what the hell had happened to Alexandrias supplies. After Tobin explained that Gabriel had been M. I. A. No, Gabriel had found his courage, Tara argued. Before a group Aaron included headed in that direction, Eric pleaded with his boyfriend not to go. Strangely, this made Rick Does he know these peopleI certainly cant remember a time I. Maggies eyes flutter open. She looks weak, but healthier than before. Shes in Dr. Carsons medical trailer at The Hilltop. He informs her that she. If it feels as though things might. TWD714b.jpg' alt='Season 5 Episode One Walking Dead' title='Season 5 Episode One Walking Dead' />The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 5 Show vs. Comic. This weeks episode of The Walking Dead took us back to The Hilltop and put Maggies resiliency on full display. So how did it compare to the comicsDid The Saviors set up an elaborate trap and did Maggie punch Gregory We break down all the major differences between comic and show below Maggies Ultrasound The beginning of the episode begins very similarly to the comics. However, the news Maggie receives is slightly different. SHOW Dr. Carson informs Maggie shes suffering from a rare condition known as abruptio placentae. Its caused from trauma but shouldnt affect the baby. He advises she take it easy and stay at The Hilltop for the remainder of her pregnancy. Carson tells Maggie her unborn baby is doing just fine and she has nothing to worry about. Suddenly, Gregory interrupts to introduce himself to Maggie, which hes done in the past. She corrects him and then chats with her adopted daughter Sophia about adjusting to Hilltop life. However, thats when the show deviates from the source material SHOW Maggie visits Glenns grave with Sasha and they comfort each other in their losses. Jesus shows up to place green flowers on his grave to symbolize release. Gregory then arrives to question Maggie about what she told The Saviors about the agreement between his community and Alexandria. She assures him theyre still oblivious but Gregory demands she and Sasha leave immediately. Jesus buys them time and gets Gregory to agree to let them stay the night. COMICS Maggie visits Glenns grave and is greeted by Hilltop resident Brianna, whos also experienced loss. She comforts Maggie by discussing how she handled the death of her husband, parents, daughter, and siblings. It did however make a great case for how terrible The Saviors are with the Hilltopians. Hilltop Colonians Hilltoppers Decide in the comments Carl Enid Enid doesnt exist in the comics so the whole car crashroller skatekiss scenes didnt happen. Also, at this point in the comics Carl is 1. Jesus discusses the plan with Hilltop guard Kal, who immediately runs off to warn the Saviors. Jesus tracks him down just in time for The Saviors to show up. Jesus improvises and informs them theyll be short on supplies the next time. Kal snaps out of it and they both return to The Hilltop to continue planning. Simon pulls Gregory aside to tell him he appreciates his loyalty while simultaneously showing him whos boss. This specific incident does NOT happen in the comics but IS accurate in showing how subservient Gregory can be with The Saviors. Jesus nearly always disagrees with Gregorys weak leadership and oftentimes audibles to his own plan. SHOW Jesus repeatedly has to beg Gregory to allow Maggie and Sasha stay at The Hilltop, which he agrees to. Later, Gregory tries exposing Maggie and Sasha when The Saviors arrive but Jesus had moved them. COMICS As weve mentioned at this point in the comics Rick and the other communities are planning a war against Negan and Jesus tries dragging The Hilltop into the fight. Gregory resists at every turn but Jesus goes behind his back anyway. This results in numerous fights between the two that bear serious ramifications down the road. SHOW After Simon and The Saviors finish looting The Hilltop, Gregory calls the visit a success. Jesus disagrees and demands that Maggie and Sasha be allowed to remain. Gregory reluctantly accepts and tells Maggie the Saviors CAN be reasonable, which leads to Maggie clocking him in the face. Maggie retrieves Glenns pocket watch from him and asserts she WILL stay at The Hilltop and from now be referred to as Maggie Rhee in the comics she says Maggie Greene. COMICS The dramatic moment in the show where Maggie punches Gregory is a combination of two comic events. The first happens when Rick travels to The Hilltop to inform Gregory about Glenns death. Gregory panics and asks if Negan now knows about their secret agreement between The Hilltop and Alexandria. Rick punches him and demands why he didnt warn him of how dangerous Negan and his men were. Gregory claims they didnt realize Negan actually existed. The second comic reference DOES involve Maggie punching Gregory for calling The Saviors reasonable. At this point in the comics, Alexandria, The Hilltop, and The Kingdom are planning a war against Negan and his men. Maggie follows up her punch by rallying the Hilltop residents to join her in the upcoming battle. However, his execution of the plan differs. SHOW Carl follows Enid to The Hilltop where he decides to sneak on to The Saviors truck to find and fight Negan. Hes also joined by Jesus, whos given the same mission by Sasha. COMICS Following Negans raid of Alexandria which was played out in 7. Carl sneaks onto The Saviors truck to seek retaliation against Negan and The Saviors. We wont spoil what happens next. There you have it all the major comparisons between this weeks episode and the comics.