The Shining Full Movie Part 1

Illuminati. Watcher’s ‘The Shining’ Symbolic Analysis. Posted By Illuminati.

I’ve been collecting these. Interesting movie facts that are often buried deep in an article, usually in a throwaway line that provides more food for thought than. · Human Interest. Dad Poses His Daughters as The Shining Twins and Hotel Guests Are Freaking Out: 'They Have a Mischievous Streak' By Cathy Free • @cathyjfree.

The Shining movie reviews & Metacritic score: A married couple with a small son are employed to look after a resort hotel high in the Colorado mountains. As. Gwendys Button Box Halloween Giveaway October 16th, 2017 1:09:18 pm. Cemetery Dance is giving away TWENTY great prizes to celebrate the publication of the first-ever. Read all the hottest movie news. Get all the latest updates on your favorite movies - from new releases to timeless classics, get the scoop on Moviefone. The Knight in Shining Armor trope as used in popular culture. The medieval knight who fights baddies, whether villains, knights or dragons, and in The.

The Shining Full Movie Part 1The Shining Full Movie Part 1

Watcher on Aug 2. Without a doubt, Stanley Kubrick’s film, ‘The Shining’ is steeped in mystery and has sprouted numerous conspiracy theories. There is even a documentary called Room 2. I decided I should go through the film and present some of my own ideas, while pointing out others in the process. First- you can skip all of the reading and watch the video on my You.

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Tube channel if you prefer. Let’s get into it…At the beginning of the film, Kubrick shot a yellow Volkswagen Beetle cruising up the mountainside. This contradicts Stephen King’s book, in which the Beetle is red. Some might dismiss this as an error, but Kubrick was an obsessive film maker (and genius; especially at chess), notorious for repeating shots and takes until the final product was exactly to his liking. If something shows up in his films, it is meant to be there.

Could the Beetle be yellow to contrast with the mountainside? Perhaps, but like I mentioned above, I’ll point out as much as possible to familiarize everyone reading this. The Overlook Hotel in the film is actually the Timberline Lodge in Oregon, not the original Stanley Hotel in Colorado, in which Stephen King was inspired to write the novel. The interior shots were filmed on a set in Britain, but there were a few exteriors taken of the Timberline Lodge.

The Shining Full Movie Part 1

King later went on to film a mini- series at the actual Stanley Hotel (and on an unrelated note, so did the film Dumb and Dumber). There are several shots of Native American architecture in the film, and the hotel is littered with Native American décor. The plot line is that the hotel is built on an Indian burial ground, and Kubrick must’ve been trying to emphasize the point.

One theory is that the film is built around exploring the early American settlers’ exploitation and killing of the Native Americans. There will be another shot later in the film too. Jay Weidner claims there is a lot of sexual reference in the film. He says at this point in the movie when Jack is shaking property manager Stuart Ullman’s hand, it appears that Ullman has an erection due to the precise location of the paper file on his desk.

There’s some more on this later also. Weidner also points out the overabundance of the use of red, white and blue in the film. This must be to play on the American theme some more.

No matter what theory you believe, it’s quite obvious there is a message and it is in regards to the U. S. A. Stuart Ullman (who Weidner points out looks just like JFK), has an American flag on his desk, his suit is red, white and blue, and there is also a bald eagle (it’s behind his head in this shot). Here is a shot where you can see the eagle in the window. Notice the amount of stuff on the desk. This will come up again later. Now I’d like to get into the real nitty gritty on the conspiracy theories surrounding the film. Jay Weidner is most famous for making the hypothesis that the film is about Kubrick’s expose of how he actually helped film the ‘fake’ moon landings of Apollo 1.

Kubrick was filming 2. A Space Odyssey concurrently at the same time he was filming the fake moon landings. There is a ton of information out there about this, but to keep things brief, that’s the basic tenet to the theory. Here is an image where you can see what appears to be a shuttle or rocket on the refrigerator. I believe I’m the first one to spot this, I haven’t heard or seen this elsewhere.

Here is another shot of Danny wearing red, white and blue. He wears a combination of red, white and/or blue throughout the entire film. The ENTIRE film. Notice that these stars are upside down, like pentagrams found in the occult and Satanism. In this shot, Danny is laying on a teddy bear. The bear is a symbol from other Kubrick films. Some say it is symbolic of the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

You can see it in the other films, like right at the end of Eyes Wide Shut when Cruise and Kidman are walking through the toy store. Watch It`S A Wonderful Afterlife Online more. Danny wearing blue and red.

Weidner asserts that Jack is looking at a Playgirl magazine in this scene, and at first I didn’t believe it because it looks like a woman on the cover, but after you zoom in on it, you can most definitely see it is: Commenter Lex gave us a good image of the cover; and astoundingly enough there is an article in this particular issue about ‘sleeping with children’. There is more to come on that situation with Jack and Danny later on. Was Kubrick foreshadowing? Here Danny is wasting time while Jack and Wendy get a tour of the hotel.

I noticed the American flag is actually reversed in orientation. It is supposed to have the union (stars) to the flag’s upper right- which corresponds to the viewer’s upper left corner. Did Kubrick have the flag reversed on purpose? This could be more of an attempt to convey to the viewer that something is not quite right with America, and if they did in fact hire him to film the fake moon landings then this could be so. The next scene in the Gold Room, Jack reunites with Danny and asks if he’s got tired of “bombing the universe.” This doesn’t make sense in this context at all, because Danny was just shooting darts in the room where the US flag is being displayed backwards.

I propose that Kubrick was mocking the U. S. A. and their “bombing of the universe” and held an anti- war stance.

His film Full Metal Jacket appears to be an anti- war film also, and Dr. Watch Love, Wedding, Marriage Online Mic. Strangelove most definitely showed the perils of war.

Something else that I noticed (and I think this might be an original too; which is difficult since there are already a million theories out there) was the visual assault of ladders found in the scenes where the Torrances are getting a tour of the hotel. This could also support Weidner’s Apollo 1.

It requires a leap of faith in the idea that NASA has roots in Freemasonry. Ladders in Freemasonry are symbolic of progression from the lower ranks to the upper echelons of the secret society. The Gold Room has two ladders- the one is hard to see but it’s in the left side of the frame, towards the back. Where is this ladder even reaching to? Here you can see the Native American on the can of Calumet baking powder (and it’s elsewhere in the film), further taking the Native American genocide theory in the film.