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Southwestern College : Articles & Databases  Browse Databases by Name  Off Campus Access Information. General Topics. News. Health. Arts, History & Humanities. Science. Business Education. Reference, Encyclopedias, E- Books and Online Media E- Book Collections Online Streaming Media Collections. All Databases: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZDatabase Descriptions. Off- campus access available to currently enrolled students.

Academic Search Premier(EBSCOhost)A multidiscipline full text database designed specifically for academic institutions. Includes full text articles from over 4,6. PDF backfiles to 1. Off- campus access available to currently enrolled students. Access Science. Provides access to articles and illustrations, from the latest edition of the Mc.

Graw- Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, includes research updates from the Mc. Graw- Hill Yearbooks, and the latest Science News headlines, biographies, and more. Off- campus access available to currently enrolled students. Alt Healthwatch (EBSCOhost)This database focuses on the many perspectives of complementary, holistic and integrated aproaches to health care and wellness and includes full- text articles for more than 1. Off- campus access available to currently enrolled students. America's Historical Newspapers: (Newsbank) American newspapers published in the 1. Off- campus access available to currently enrolled students. America: History and Life with Full Text (EBSCOhost)A database of literature covering the history and culture of the United States and Canada, from prehistory to the present.

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With full- text coverage of more than 2. Off- campus access available to currently enrolled students. American History from the Library of Congress. Consists of primary source and archival materials relating to American culture and history.

A digital record of American history, from the collections of the Library of Congress and other institutions, chronicle historical events, people, places, and ideas that continue to shape America . Off- campus access available. Annals of American History. Analyze American history through speeches, writings, and interviews from 1. Off- campus access available to currently enrolled students.

ARTstor. Includes nearly one million images in the areas of art, architecture, the humanities, social sciences and other visual culture from around the globe. Off- campus access available to currently enrolled students. ARTstor User Guide. Auto Repair Reference Center (EBSCOhost)Contains the most comprehensive collection of automobile repair reference information in the market. This resource has information on most major manufacturers of domestic and imported vehicles.

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Database content includes more than 3. Off- campus access available to currently enrolled students.

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Biography in Context. A comprehensive database of biographical information on more than one million people from throughout history, around the world, and across all disciplines and subject areas. The database also includes full- text articles from nearly 2.

Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost) A multidiscipline full text database designed specifically for academic institutions. Includes full text articles from over 4,600. Join CREDO Mobile, America's only progressive phone company, and get the latest iPhone and Android smartphones.

Off- campus access available to currently enrolled students Britannica Online. Includes the complete encyclopedia, as well as 1. Britannica editors. Available only from on- campus locations Business Source Premier(EBSCOhost) Provides full text for nearly 2,3. Coverage includes virtually all subject areas related to business. This database provides full text (PDF) for more than 3. Watch Finding Bliss Megavideo. Off- campus access available to currently enrolled students.

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CINAHL Plus (EBSCOhost) Full text material includes nearly 8. More than 3,8. 00 journals from the fields of nursing and allied health, indexed and abstracted, back to 1. Off- campus access available to currently enrolled students. College Source Online.

Over 5. 9,0. 00 College Catalogs (US and International schools) in complete cover- to- cover, original page format.  Off- campus access available to currently enrolled students. Consumer Health Complete (EBSCOhost) A comprehensive resource for consumer- oriented health content. Includes full- text health reference books, evidence- based, health reports, medical images, videos, consumer health pamphlets and animations with audio narration Off- campus access available to currently enrolled students. Country. Watch - Access On Campus. Country. Watch - Access Off Campus. Watch Ghost Rock HD 1080P.

Includes publications for each country including demographic, political, economic, business, cultural and environmental information; the Country. Wire, which provides daily news coverage for every country in the world. Off- campus access available to currently enrolled students.

CQ Researcher. Weekly (full- text) publication from CQ Press (Congressional Quarterly),providing original in- depth analysis of the most current major and controversial issues of the day with complete summaries, pros and cons, bibliographies, and more. Archives date back to 1. Off- campus access available to currently enrolled students. Credo Reference Electronic Books. An online reference library that provides access to hundreds of full text titles covering everything from accounting to zoology. Off- campus access available to currently enrolled students.

Dictionary Literary Biography. Provides biographical and critical information on authors in all genres, from all time periods and from around the world. Off- campus access available to currently enrolled students.

Electronic Book Collection: (EBSCOhost)A shared collection of over 3. Off- campus access available to currently enrolled students.

Electronic Journal Service EBSCOhost Is a gateway to nine e- journals from different publishers, all at one web site. Off- campus access available to currently enrolled students. Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in the United States Includes the diverse historical and contemporary experiences in the United States of Latinos and Latinas from Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Central America, South America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.

The encyclopedia contains entries on culture, language, media, politics, race, customs, arts, health, sports and more. Off- campus access available to currently enrolled students. ERIC (EBSCOhost)The Educational Resource Information Center contains citations and abstracts to over 9. Off- campus access available to currently enrolled students. Facts On File. A set of full- text reference databases that includes the World News Digest, Issues and Controversies, Today's Science, Issues & Controversies in American History and Films On Demand an online streaming video collection.

Off- campus access available to currently enrolled students. Ferguson's Career Guidance Center. Learn about a wide variety of jobs and industries; scholarships, internships, and professional programs; and invaluable advice on applying for a job, acing an interview, behaving professionally in the work environment, and more.

Off- campus access available to currently enrolled students. Films on Demand Streaming Instruction Media Collection. A collection of more than 3,0. Humanities & Social Sciences, Business & Economics, Science & Mathematics, Health & Medicine and other subjects. Off- campus access available to currently enrolled students.

Garland Encyclopedia of World Music Online. A comprehensive searchable online resource devoted to music research of all the world's peoples.