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- "The Bold and the Beautiful" episodes from Wednesday to Friday include Liam making some changes within the company, Bill asking for forgiveness and Ridge provoking Bill.
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The Bold and the Beautiful' spoilers for Sept. Liam implements changes"The Bold and the Beautiful" cast, which includes Scott Clifton (Liam), Courtney Hope (Sally), Jacqueline Mac. Innes Wood (Steffy), Thorsten Kaye (Ridge), Don Diamont (Bill), Darin Brooks (Wyatt), Katherine Kelly Lang (Brooke) and Rena Sofer (Quinn), will be featured in the episodes of the soap opera from Wednesday to Friday. The scenes to watch out for include Liam implementing changes in the company and Bill asking Brooke for her forgiveness. Spoiler alert! This article contains additional 'The Bold and Beautiful' spoilers 2. Read on to learn more about the soap that airs on CBS and Foxtel Arena.'The Bold and the Beautiful' episodes from Wednesday to Friday Soaps.
Track breaking Archaeology headlines on NewsNow: the one-stop shop for Archaeology news. For 10 seasons fans watched the Duggar family grow from 17 to 18 to "19 Kids and Counting" on their TLC reality show. They gained popularity as being family friendly.
Wednesday's episode of B& B, Liam will implement some changes at Spencer Publications. He will refuse to compromise. Meanwhile, Sally will have a new business partner whom she will reveal. As for Steffy, she'll request something shocking from Brooke to help Bill and fix things between him and Liam. Liam's gift for Sally. On Thursday, Sally will be confronted by Steffy upon learning that the Spectra building was given to her by Liam.

According to TV Guide, Steffy will even threaten Sally. Elsewhere, Ridge will provoke Bill about his problems with Brooke. Wyatt wonders why Liam wants to work with Sally.
Friday's episode will show Bill asking Brooke for forgiveness. Meanwhile, Wyatt is curious about why Liam chose to help Sally. He will try hard to get to the bottom of things and uncover the truth. More 'B& B' drama. Aside from the exciting scenes mentioned above, Ridge will also try to win back Brooke. However, she'll be worried about his feelings for Quinn.
Plus, Wyatt will confront Liam.'The Bold and Beautiful' recaps. After Bill punched Liam last week, Steffy struggled to keep the peace between the two.
On Monday, she tried to get Liam to back off from his plan of blackmailing his father. Meanwhile, Quinn had a fight with Sheila (Kimberlin Brown). Sheila also told Charlie (Dick Christie) about their plans of taking Quinn down. Tuesday's episode featured Wyatt warning Liam. He also wondered why Bill chose Liam to run Spencer Publications over him. As for Ridge, he found out about Bill and Brooke's troubles. Click here to see photos from this week's episodes on the CBS website."The Bold and the Beautiful" episodes air on Foxtel Arena in Australia during weekdays. It also airs weekdays in the US on CBS.
Stay tuned for more spoilers of the long- running American soap opera in the coming days. Watch 'The Bold and the Beautiful' videos below.
Arab Fractures: Citizens, States, and Social Contracts. Foreword. The historic crises in the Middle East are having immeasurable and far- reaching consequences.
Across the Arab world, central authority is under severe strain amid conflict and decaying institutional frameworks. With generous support from the Asfari Foundation, the multiyear Arab World Horizons project, led by the Middle East Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, aims to shed light on the deeper trends driving these turbulent events. Across the Arab world, central authority is under severe strain amid conflict and decaying institutional frameworks. Drawing on a network of scholars in Washington, Beirut, and across the Middle East, the project looks at the socioeconomic upheavals facing the Arab citizen, the institutional pressures on the Arab state, and the changing geopolitical realities of the Arab region.
Through an examination of the complex, interconnected changes occurring within and across the human, political, and geopolitical landscapes, the project hopes to offer policymakers—both in the Arab world and the broader international policy community—a more nuanced understanding of the underlying causes of the region’s profound instability. In February 2. 01. Horizons project released Arab Voices on the Challenges of the New Middle East, which captured the views of more than one hundred Arab practitioners and scholars from across the region.
These experts overwhelmingly prioritized local political challenges (authoritarianism, corruption, and the lack of accountability) over geopolitical ones (regional conflict, sectarian rivalries, and foreign intervention), which many saw as derivative of long- standing fundamental failures in governance. This insight—that political stagnation, authoritarianism, and corruption are integrally tied to conflict and terrorism in the Arab region—is the starting point of this report. It seeks to grapple with several essential conundrums facing the Middle East: Why did the Arab uprisings, with the notable exception of that in Tunisia, fail to deliver on the promise of better governance, economic opportunity, and political pluralism? Why has internal and regional conflict become so widespread and so brutal in the region? What would more accountable social contracts between citizens and states look like, and how can Arab countries take advantage of their human capital? Why did the Arab uprisings, with the notable exception of that in Tunisia, fail to deliver on the promise of better governance, economic opportunity, and political pluralism? The old Arab order, characterized by authoritarian political systems and oil- based economies, appears to be passing away.
While there may be no returning to the pre- 2. Further, without more holistic policy approaches that begin to address the root socioeconomic and political causes of the Middle East crises, it is difficult to see an end in sight. Given the enormity of the challenges, it can be tempting for despondent populations to withdraw from politics and focus on personal security and for policymakers to focus narrowly on security and counterterrorism threats. Certainly, these threats are real and deserve considerable attention, but the social, political, and economic grievances—above all, the demand for human dignity and justice—that gave rise to the Arab uprisings six years ago are not going away. Watch Online Us Tv Series. This report is intended to generate a discussion on the vital need for new directions in the Arab world.
We welcome thoughtful critiques of the analysis, so they may be reflected in future Arab World Horizons publications. Marwan Muasher. Vice President of Studies. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. December 2. 01. 6Summary. Long- standing pillars of the Arab order—authoritarian bargains and hydrocarbon rents—are collapsing as political institutions struggle with the rising demands of growing populations. Pervasive socioeconomic deficiencies, polarization, and repression have resulted, leading to unprecedented state disintegration, particularly in Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Yemen. These forces are in turn fueling massive human displacement and geopolitical power plays.
If any semblance of order is to return after the conflicts subside, citizens and states must forge new social contracts that establish accountability and energize systemic political and economic reform. The Roots of a Regional Collapse. Societies worldwide are grappling with technological, economic, and cultural transformations.
However, the inherent pressures have been particularly combustible in the Arab world, given institutional deficiencies and the proliferation of conflict, sectarianism, and radicalization. There is a crisis of trust between governments and citizens. Authoritarian bargains, whereby regimes trade social services and government jobs for citizen quiescence, have fractured.
These social contracts began eroding as inflated budgets and bloated bureaucracies could no longer keep up with population growth. States have lost control of large swaths of territory to nonstate actors, including the self- proclaimed Islamic State. Former regional powerhouses, such as Egypt and Iraq, are now severely constrained by domestic weaknesses. Powerful states are increasingly interfering in the affairs of weaker ones, heightening internal and regional conflict.
Alongside their oil- exporting neighbors, oil- importing Arab countries—long dependent on remittances, external assistance, and investment—will face increased fiscal pressures due to the collapse in oil prices. The dependence on oil revenues has impeded economic and political development in many states, leaving them unprepared for the resulting turbulence. Caught Between Retrenchment and Change.
With few exceptions, Arab regimes are increasingly using means of coercion to reassert control. However, citizens will not abandon their demands for greater accountability, transparency, and political agency as social welfare declines, making increased tensions between citizens and states likely. Political and economic control is integrally linked across the Arab world, resulting in pervasive cronyism and corruption.
Building the foundation for sustainable, private- sector- led economic growth requires breaking this linkage. Continued chaos in the Middle East might seem inevitable, but other regions have experienced similar collapses and managed to step back from the precipice. Yet, until Arab societies develop new social contracts based on more sustainable political and socioeconomic models, efforts to do so in the Middle East are likely to fail. Download the PDFIntroduction. Mina, a twenty- four- year- old teacher from Syria, is caught between her past, an unfamiliar European present, and an uncertain future.
She enjoyed her life in Homs, where she worked at an institute for autistic children, while continuing her studies. She was not politically active, but, as the peaceful antigovernment protests that began in 2. LUV Full Movie Online Free more.
In October 2. 01. Today, Mina lives in a refugee camp in Berlin. Although she has found work at a local preschool, she says, “I’m also so incredibly tired by the idea that I have to start my life over.” She worries about the psychological trauma that those still in Syria have endured: “They merely exist. They eat, drink, and sleep.” Nonetheless, she hopes to further her pedagogical skills while in Germany, so she can help to rebuild Syria when she finally fulfills her dream of returning home.
Like Mina, many people across the Arab world have entered a period of profound dislocation. Watch The Beastmaster Online (2017). The old regional order has come undone, and it is unclear what will replace it. Arab regimes are facing a perfect storm of fraying citizen- state relations, internal and regional conflicts, a collapse in oil revenues, rising temperatures and the prospect of severe water shortages, and a breakdown in the shared sense of purpose among the region’s authoritarian leadership.