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Medium. Wave. Info - News. SPAIN[Google translate] Spanish AM stations' schedule of regional programs in 1. The quarter of an hour separating 7.
Clearly, they were making it up as they were going along with the Press Guardian series. In the first story, his identity is not divulged or even hinted at. 12/10-2017. IRELAND The transmitter from Ireland on 549 KHZ that broadcasts the output of Spirit Radio was off air yesterday morning, Wednesday 11 October, but was.
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Madrid and Rome) is a magical moment to listen to the local / regional programming of Spain in medium waves , from Monday to Friday. The various chains have a space dedicated to information and local advertising, while the rising sun is still low to the west, helping to reduce interference from the east. While the northwest (Holland and UK in particular) remain strong, with a little patience I have carried out a monitoring by Bocca di Magra.
Below you find the timetables verified and the hearings of October 5, 2. Hours from Monday to Friday: RNE regional programming: 0.
Onda Cero local programming: 0. SER regional programming: 0. COPE regional programming: 0. Heard: RNE Regional at 0. UTC (from Monday to Friday) 5. RNE Valencia, Spain, RNE Valencian Community , good 5. RNE Murcia, Spain, Regional RNE Murcia , good 5.
RNE Barcelona, Regional RNE Catalunya, in Catalan, good 5. RNE Madrid, Spain, RNE Comunidad de Madrid , good 6. Watch Buio Omega Online.
RNE Sevilla, Spain, RNE Andalucia , good 6. RNE Lleida, RNE Catalunya , fair 6. RNE Palma, RNE Baleares in Mallorquino, fair. RNE Badajoz, RNE Extremadura , fair 6. RNE Sevilla, RNE Andalucia , excellent 6. RNE Tortosa, RNE Catalunya , fair 7. RNE Cuenca, RNE Castilla y la Mancha , fair 7.
RNE Barcelona, RNE Catalunya , excellent 7. RNE Cadiz, RNE Andalusia , fair / good 7. RNE Valencia, RNE Comunidad Valenciana , very good 8.
RNE Girona, RNE Catalunya, fair 8. RNE Murcia, RNE Murcia , very good 8. RNE Socuellamos, RNE Castilla y la Mancha, weak / fair 9. RNE Valladolid, RNE Castilla y Leon , QRM RAI Belluno 9. RNE Melilla, RNE Melilla , fair 1.
RNE Malaga, RNE Andalucia , fair 1. RNE Almeria, RNE Andalucia , fair 1. RNE Ponferrada, RNE Castilla y Leon , fair QRM Rome 1. RNE Castellon, RNE Comunidad Valenciana , weak QRM RTBF Vivacite ' 1. RNE Lleida, RNE Catalunya , weak 1. RNE Ciudad Real, RNE Castilla y la Mancha , fair / good 1.
RNE Bilbao, RNE Euzkadiregional, at 0. RNE Tarragona, RNE Catalunya , fair with some QRM Romania 1. RNE Girona, RNE Catalunya , good Onda Cero. Onda Cero Radio Ciudad Real, local id, commercial , fair 1. Onda Cero Almeria, local id & commercials , poor QRM Ciudad Real SER8. SER Madrid, Hoy por hoy Madrid , news, commercials, weak QRM Macedonia 8.
SER Zaragoza, Hoy por hoy Aragon , fair 1. SER Valladolid, Hoy por hoy Castilla y Leon , fair. SER Huesca, Hoy de hoy Aragon , fair 1. SER Pontevedra, Hoy por hoy Galicia , fair 1. SER Murcia, Hoy de hoy Murcia Region , fair / good 1. SER Alcoy, hoy por hoy Valencian Community , fair COPE7. COPE Murcia, local id with FM & AM frequencies, local commercials, fair / good 8.
COPE Alicante, local id , provincial news & commercials, fair 1. COPE Jaen, local id , news, weather, fair 1. COPE 2 tx, id COPE Andalucia , news, fair. COPE Valencia, Spain, local id , news Valencia, fair. Giampiero Bernardini, playdx. MWC fb group (6/1. Watch Charlie: A Toy Story Online Full Movie.
I really had a lot of fun doin' that previous "Singles Going Stroonad" a short while back that I thought hey, why not do another of these things?!?! I mean not only was it grand prowling through my singles collection after quite a spell of neglect but it was just heart- cockle warming to get back together with my friends down inna basement and talk about old times that are long gone and all. Well, they've turned out to be better friends than some of you turncoat backstabbers out there! Anyhoo, here's the latest go 'round. I believe a few of these have been reviewed on this blog about a decade back but given my sieve- like mind (and yours) it's like so what!
Maybe you'll discover a new fave, or link up with a lost relic, or just be amazed at the wealth of singles that came out thus benefiting our lives, but then again maybe you'll find a millyun dollars under your doormat tomorrow. Johnnie Allan- "Promised Land"/Pete Fowler- "One Heart One Song" (Stiff Records, or Ovalstiff as it sez onna cover, Holland) This is one of those yellow vinyl singles that flooded even the more sophisticado record shops during the colored vinyl craze of the late- seventies. For some strange reason I passed on it, or didn't even notice it for that matter, but it was there next to the Klark Kents and Nick Lowes for all to see. Allan cooks Cajun on the a- side doin' Chuck Berry with an accordion and it all works ya over the same way one a them Justin Wilson cooking shows had ya droolin' all over the place. Fowler comes closer to the whole Stiff retro- cool mode that the label made its mark with- -- it's a wonder why this 'un didn't end up on the box set like it shoulda.
Being too cheap to delve into either guys' careers any further this does make for a good taste.***Wurm- "We're Off", "I'm Dead"/"Time Has Come Today" EP (SST Records) One can only thank God 'n with a big "G" at that that Chuck Dukowski of Black Flag fame was in this metallic trio before joining forces with Greg Ginn et. Wurm 'r care for that matter? This reunion single from '8. TRUE heavy metal aesthetic (clue- -- you won't hear about it from Andy Secher) and the hardcore blare which, come to think of it, WAS the logical end point in the whole HM game as it should have stood ten years after the fact. Too bad the LP entitled FEAST wasn't this hot even if it did scorch more than a few earholes including my own.
Hope and prey that the 1. The Jokers- "Little Mama"/"Say You're Mine"; "Red Headed Woman"/"I Ain't Gonna Be Your Fool (Greco Records) Until GRECO RECORDS- -- THE COMPLETE RECORDINGS makes its way to my abode this is gonna have to do as far as this obscure New Jersey- oriented garage band (late- fifties division) goes. The "Little Mama" single sounds a whole lot more focused than the other which would figure since the other single never even got a legit release, but it still pounds on in a neo- rockabilly cum doo- wop fashion that even boasts an imitation Jordonaires backing vocal! Great piano work too that sounds like someone's been listening to a whole lotta Jerry Lee Lewis and admired Jo Ann Castle's tack piano sound via THE LAWRENCE WELK SHOW. Red Headed Woman" even sounds like it probably was recorded in the garage, or at least in Aunt Mabel's living room (hence the piano) while she wasn't home. She just don't abide by that raucous devil's music, y'know.***Rik L.
Rik- "Meat House"/"I Got Power" (Posh Boy Records)Can't see why BOMP! Rik L. Rik but good in the final issue of that sainted rag because even though he was doin' the Ig of Stooge game he was sure doin' it a whole lot better'n many of the also rans who seemed happy enough ramming the whole sordid legend into the ground. Not quite raw power but maybe medium rare power'd rock that has a good enough drive to make you recall alla that sound and fury which most definitely signified something back during those best/worst of times days. Nice white vinyl in clear sleeve package that kinda makes me think about those days of yore, then get madder'n all fanabla because I was broke most of the time and couldn't afford everything I most dearly wanted to get into my mitts!***Anonymous- "Snake Attack"/"Corporate Food" (label sez "Flat Records", "cover sez "Mr. Brown Records".. take yer pick)A lotta this college kid caper cut up experimental "Hey Mom Look At Me!" stuff never did sound more than the usual masturbatory doo- whiz with the lifespan appeal of a moth, but at least Anonymous created a noisy wall of late- seventies ka- POW! Smegma records that were also making the rounds at the time.
Fast- paced, maddening and definitely avant garde as opposed to avant flub, Anonymous put out a crazed (as in Residents' "Satisfaction") record that lives up to the late- seventies aura of rock as madness and thankfully doesn't sound like an "art project". Kudos to R. Meltzer for giving this one some precious broadcast time on his long- missed radio program.***The Curse- "Shoeshine Boy"/"Killer Bees" (Hi Fi Records, Canada)Toronto's all- gal Curse really knew how to tweak the cheeks back then, as this record was about as hot off the presses as an extra of THE DAILY PLANET regarding some greasy foreign- kinda shoeshine boy who learned an easy way to make a few extra buck by being friendlier than one would normally be to the local clientele! Only this time his junior achievement got the best of him as the rough trade got roughed up just a little too much leading to quite a big hoo hah and a lotta newspapers gettin' sold! But taste never did matter to this group because singer Mickey Skin was brave enough to actually taunt the dead li'l rascal asking how exactly did he make a hunnerd bux in one day and boy did this rec get the publicity because of it! Fair enough as a punk rock artyfact goes, or maybe I'm still amazed at that pic of Skin that popped in in THE NEW YORK ROCKER where she's not wearing a bra and like well, it's a little chilly outside 'n all and I think you can guess the rest..***The Slickee Boys- MAGNESIUM ANDROID PUPPIES EP (Dacoit Records)For bein' one of those under- the- underground acts first sproutin' about inna mid- seventies the Boys sure lived a longer and healthier life than many of their compadres.
Here's their first offering from '7. I gotta say that maybe the performance ain't as tippy top notch as I woulda liked these sixties worshippers to have cranked out but it's still a wild ride that ranks with other self- produced seven- inch offerings of that year like those from Sneakers, Pere Ubu and MX- 8. Sound. Mostly covers consisting of "What a Boy Can't Do", "Brand New Cadillac", "Psychodaisies" and the theme from EXODUS with the only original being the title track and it's a good 'un too. If you're hot for the mid- seventies refurbishing of the mid- sixties sounds that most of the hippoids of the day forgot about, and on purpose for that matter, try locating this 'n give it a try.***Monte Carmont- "Think Dance"/"Neat, Clean, Perfect", "In Another Land" (Bizart Records) A 1. Brian Sands' classic if short- lived record label.
Boffo electronic pop that sorta sounds like Sparks veering off into various new wave pre "gnu" wave (thanks again Bill!) directions that don't suck one bit! A few sidesteps into Syd Barrett whimsy and a spec of Bolan help out a whole lot, and like it's too bad that this 'un hadda be buried under the weight of a whole load of lesser sounds that, strangely enough, seem to be remembered with a strange fondness these more screwed up than ever days.***Wayne Kramer's Gang War featuring Johnny Thunders- "New York City", "I'd Much Rather Be With The Boys"/"Endless Party", "Just Because I'm White" EP (Venus Records) This is the short- lived act that got a whole load of NEW YORK ROCKER press because of the presence of the former MC5 and New York Dolls guitar villains (well, they sure ain't heroes in a world where every swivelhipped string bender with long flowery hair claims heir to the title).